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What is AS5216, it seems to be related to anchoring?

Posted byDomalmost 6 years ago
What is AS5216, it seems to be related to anchoring?

Hi Guys,

What is AS5216, it seems to be related to anchoring?

anchoring,AS 5216,standard

Posted byDomalmost 6 years ago

Hi Guys,

AS5216:2018 is the new Australian Standard for the “Design of post-installed and cast-in fastenings in concrete” and was converted from the Technical Specification TS101:2015. Compliance with SA TS101:2015 also means compliance with AS 5216:2018 and whilst TS101 is referenced in current codes, SA TS101:2015 and AS 5216:2018 will both co-exist in the interim.


SA TS 101,AS 5216